TLCP's 2012 Symposium has concluded and we thank everyone who made it a great success.
If you were unable to attend the symposium please scroll down to the panel listings to view videos of the panels. After clicking the links you may have to wait a few minutes before the videos become playable because of their large size.
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The Journal of Transnational Law and Contemporary Problems' 2012 annual symposium was entitled The European Sovereign Debt Crisis: A Critical Assessment of the Euro and EMU.
Panel I. Why Did the Crisis Arise and What is Being Done About It?
Click Here for a video of the Introduction and Panel I
Moderated by Alexander Somek, The University of Iowa College of Law
In light of the unique endeavor the EMU embarked on when it formed and developed the Euro, this portion of the symposium focused on the EMU’s historical development, the Euro’s potential risks and benefits, and the European and global ramifications of the EMU before the crisis. The symposium then examined how the crisis came into being, how it has evolved, and efforts to curtail the crisis.
Caroline M. Bradley, University of Miami School of Law
Aldo Caliari, Director of the Rethinking Bretton Woods Project
W. Mark C. Weidemaier, University of North Carolina School of Law
Click Here for a video of the Roundtable Discussion
Moderated by Enrique Carrasco, The University of Iowa College of Law
A roundtable discussion with all of the symposium panelists
Panel II. The Future of the EMU: Post-Crisis Reform
Click Here for a video of Panel II
Moderated by Andy Grewal, The University of Iowa College of Law
This portion of the symposium looked beyond the current crisis to the long term viability of the Euro and EMU. In particular, it looked at the effect of the crisis on the Euro and the ramifications of a potential collapse of the Euro.
Adam Feibelman, Tulane University Law School
Christoph Henkel, Mississippi College School of Law
Badr Zerdhoud, University of Geneva
The TLCP is pleased to have as guest editor of this issue Enrique Carrasco, Professor of Law at the University of Iowa College of Law and Founder/Director of the University of Iowa Center for International Finance and Development.
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